Colijn Strydom
Colijn confesses
that his influences include Mesopotamian Art, Goya, and Reader’s Digest magazine.
Colijn remembers
- paging through old copies of Reader’s Digest, where he first discovered art and artists.
- being entranced by Mesopotamian Art, Goya’s ‘Saturn devouring his children’ and David’s ‘Death of Marat’.
- seeing Diane Victor’s drawings when he was in high school, and how it opened his mind up to what drawing could do.
Colijn questions
- his male Afrikaner identity, but with a touch of humour and irony.
- rather than answers.
Colijn has
- a Fine Arts degree from the University of Pretoria.
- a Master’s Degree in Visual Arts from the University of Stellenbosch, where he has also taught.
- lectured at Michaelis School of Fine Art, UCT, and The Ruth Prowse School of Art.
- exhibited throughout South Africa, including his latest solo show at 99 Loop in Cape Town; ‘Dwell in Possibility’ at the Centenary Gallery, University of Free State; ‘Back to the Future I’ at Dawid Ras Gallery; Investec Cape Town Art Fair; and ‘Cape Town Salon 18/19’ at the AVA Gallery, Cape Town.
- had work shown at The Affordable Art Fair in Belgium with the Dyman Gallery.