Marguerite Roux
Marguerite weaves
fabrics and phone books, threads and thoughts.
Marguerite reflects
- that, outside of being an artist, nothing else would make sense for her.
- in her work the importance of nearly forgotten technology.
- on the passing of time, using weaving as a time measuring device, with every row weaved seen as a unit of time.
Marguerite dislikes
- excess and waste, which is why she uses discarded fabrics and frames, redundant phone books and fax paper.
- the colour pink (or did, until her “pink phase” started in 2020).
- a lack of consideration.
Marguerite has
- bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Visual Arts from Stellenbosch University, where she won the Keith Dietrich Award and the Timo Smuts prize for academic achievement.
- been a Top 100 finalist in the Sasol New Signatures Award three times.
- participated in over three dozen exhibitions around South Africa.
- shown work at art fairs, exhibitions and biennials in France, Belgium and Turkey.