Sanell Aggenbach
Sanell deals
with paradox, and occasional parody.
Sanell combines
- the historical and the personal.
- nostalgia and narratives.
- humour and absurdity.
- masculinity and mischief, feminism and fictions.
Sanell does
- subtle subversion.
- not limit herself: she paints, prints, sculpts, and plays with different mediums.
Sanell has
- won the Absa Atelier Award.
- work in numerous private and public collections, including Sasol, Absa, Spier, SABC, Anglo Gold, Red Bull in Austria, the South African National Gallery, and the 21C Museum in Kentucky.
- contributed to group exhibitions in Cape Town, Johannesburg, London, Salzburg and Vienna, and has held several solo exhibitions in South Africa.
For a full CV of shows, look here.