Strauss Louw

Strauss Louw



Strauss describes

himself as a languid photographer, which is at odds with his intricate process.

Strauss likes

  • not to force things, and to let time go by.
  • photographing on the fly, without planning or setting up.
  • building a personal archive of random images, then choosing from it to create artworks.
  • experimenting with new ways of using old, analogue photographic processes and materials, some of which date back to the 19th century.
  • working with fractions of a negative, collecting disjointed prints, hand processing, and collaging.
  • the look of flowers, water, handmade ceramics, shadow and light.

Strauss has

  • known he was going to be an artist since he was 9.
  • slowly become more and more obsessed with photography.
  • a Master's degree in Visual Arts from The University of Stellenbosch.
  • participated in various group shows, including with SMAC in Stellenbosch, SMITH in Cape Town and No End Contemporary in Johannesburg.
  • presented a solo exhibition titled Showing Skin at WHATIFTHEWORLD in Cape Town.



