Ocean Contour in Yellow and Blue 20
Amy Rusch
"Blind contour drawings made while sailing an ocean passage from west to east across the south Atlantic ocean. The way the thread pulls through the blue tarpaulin making little dots and lines, reminders of the midday plots, marking our position, navigated movement as we cross timelines toward home.
Another form of navigation happened when tracing the contours of what lies ahead, with my eyes. A winch, a barometer, navigation instruments, sails, the horizon in all directions. Eyes following the outer edges then moving inward, taking in the vessel which holds.
Nothing static - all moving - all changing.
These blind contour drawings, lines and dots somehow act as memory holders - the motion of the stitch embedding something in being." - Amy Rusch
Jongensfontein tarpaulin and thread
73,5 x 56 x 4,5 cm