Stephané E. Conradie
R 12,500
"Moskee was made as part of an exhibition, called Domestic lives, Nomadic belongings. The screenprint is a combination of elements collaged together that is composed of layered images I either took or found in books of a place in Stellenbosch called die Vlakte. I used objects to frame the mosque in the centre of the print to try an imagine the lives that people once lived in die Vlakte and ultimately, I turned the composition into an image depicting a floral wreath to place the building into a frame memorialising the people who once lived in this neighbourhood.
Die Vlakte, a central neighbourhood in Stellenbosch, was one of the sites, like District Six, where coloured people were forcibly removed from in the 1960s as part of apartheid’s 1950 Group Areas Act. During apartheid the government developed separate neighbourhoods according to race. The mosque, in the centre of the print was a religious building built by the people who lived in die Vlakte. The mosque is one of the places that have remained intact and stands as a reminder of the lives once lived by die Vlakte’s residents. Luckily the next generation of descents who parents once lived in die Vlakte are still able to access and use this historic building."
- Stephané
Screenprint on Arches paper
54 cm x 55 cm
A/P out of an Edition of 4 + 2 APs and 1 PP